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Original Article

J Environ Health Sci. 2016; 42(3): 205-212

Published online June 30, 2016

Copyright © The Korean Society of Environmental Health.

Health Effect and Blood Lead Concentration among Residents in Gwangyang and Yeosu

광양, 여수 지역 주민들의 혈중 납 농도와 관련요인

Heejin Park, Myung-Kyu Park, Tack-Shin Kang*, Geun-Bae Kim*, Jong-Wha Lee, Bong-Ki Jang, Bu-Soon Son

박희진 ·박명규 ·강택신* ·김근배* ·이종화 ·장봉기 ·손부순


Objectives: The objective of this study was to evaluate the distribution of blood lead concentrations of residents in the areas surrounding an industrial complex.
Methods: During the three-month period from August to October 2012, informed consent was obtained from a total of 417 residents in Gwangyang and Yeosu. We collected blood samples from all subjects, and their demographic characteristics were acquired using a questionnaire. The blood samples were analyzed using an atomic absorption spectrometer and data analysis was conducted using IBM SPSS version 21.0.
Results: The geometric mean concentration of blood lead in all subjects was 1.85 µg/dL. The highest (p<0.01) blood lead concentrations were in the current drinking group (2.24 µg/dL). Blood lead concentrations in the smoking group (0.59 µg/dL) were significantly (p<0.05) higher than those in the non-smoking group (0.24 µg/dL). Risk assessment was performe using the Korean National Environmental Health Survey (KNEHS) as a reference. The hazard indices of blood lead in males and females were 0.65 and 0.52, respectively.
Conclusion: We provided baseline data for reference values of toxicity and heavy lead concentrations. Our results might be useful for further evaluation of risks due to exposure to heavy metals via oral, air, and percutaneous routes.

KeywordsHeavy metals,industrial complex,lead,risk assessment

The Korean Society of Environmental Health

Vol.50 No.6
December, 2024

pISSN 1738-4087
eISSN 2233-8616

Frequency: Bimonthly

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