검색 팝업 닫기

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Original Article

J Environ Health Sci. 2001; 27(2): 30-36

Published online June 30, 2001

Copyright © The Korean Society of Environmental Health.

Protection against Aerosols by Particulate Respirators and Fit Performance

방진마스크의 에어로졸 방어효과와 밀착정도

Don Hee Han



This review begins with a brief expression of aerosol capture mechanism of fibrous filter(s) and performance of particulate removing respirators. The more complicated and detailed discussion is not included in this articles. Filtration efficiency and pressure drop are introduced as quality factor ( qF) and the way in which filtration efficiency varies with particle size is discussed. Quality factors fro filters recently certified in USA were found to be very higher than those of filters made in Korea, China and USA filters certified with old certified standards. Electrically charged filters are widely used because they have high filtration efficiency and low pressure drop, but their efficiency decreases sharply at the condition occurring wet and oil mist. A discussion is given of respirator leakage through face seal and filter media with fit testing and total inward leakage testing. Since fit factor (FF) refers to the reciprocal of the fraction of the total air entering a respirator through face seal leakage , the degree of fitting performance for respirators is expected with FF. Because respirators made in Korea had generally lower FFs than respirators made in USA, it is necessary to develope respirators that fit properly for Koreans or establish regulations for fit testing.

KeywordsRespirator, aerosol, filtration efficiency, pressure drop, fit testing, total inward leakage testing(TIL)

The Korean Society of Environmental Health

Vol.50 No.4
August, 2024

pISSN 1738-4087
eISSN 2233-8616

Frequency: Bimonthly

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