검색 팝업 닫기

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Original Article

J Environ Health Sci. 2010; 36(4): 294-305

Published online August 30, 2010

Copyright © The Korean Society of Environmental Health.

Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in PM2.5 in Industrial Areas

일부 공단지역 PM2.5에 부착된 중금속 노출에 의한 건강위해성평가

Jun-Min Jeon*, Byungb-Wook Kang**, Hak Sung Lee***, Cheol Min Lee



This study estimated the health risk of heavy metals in particulate matter (PM)2.5 in a Gwangyang industrial complex. The PM2.5 containing heavy metal was collected from January to November, 2008 using a denuder air sampler and by IC (Ion Chromatograph). The risk assessment was performed in a four-step process; hazard identification, exposure assessment, dose-response assessment and risk characterization. In the hazard identification process, Cr6+, Ni, As, and Pb were categorized as human carcinogens and probable human carcinogens, while Ti, Mn, Se, P, Cr3+, Cu, and Zn were not classified as human carcinogens. It was found that the excess cancer risk by Central Tendency Exposure (CTE) of Cr6+ and As in PM2.5 was >10−6, and the total excess cancer risk posed by carcinogen heavy metals in PM2.5 was >10−6. It was also determined that the total hazard index by CTE of non-carcinogen heavy metals in PM2.5 was <1. Taken together, these results indicate a high cancer risk associated whit inhalation of heavy metal-containing PM2.5 in industrial areas.

KeywordsPM2.5, risk assessment, human carcinogen, heavy metal

The Korean Society of Environmental Health

Vol.50 No.6
December, 2024

pISSN 1738-4087
eISSN 2233-8616

Frequency: Bimonthly

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